Typedef opentelemetry::common::AttributeValue
Defined in File attribute_value.h
Typedef Documentation
using opentelemetry::common::AttributeValue = nostd::variant<bool, int32_t, int64_t, uint32_t, double, const char*, nostd::string_view, nostd::span<const bool>, nostd::span<const int32_t>, nostd::span<const int64_t>, nostd::span<const uint32_t>, nostd::span<const double>, nostd::span<const nostd::string_view>, uint64_t, nostd::span<const uint64_t>, nostd::span<const uint8_t>>
OpenTelemetry signals can be enriched by adding attributes. The
type is defined as a variant of all attribute value types the OpenTelemetry C++ API supports.The following attribute value types are supported by the OpenTelemetry specification:
Primitive types: string, boolean, double precision floating point (IEEE 754-1985) or signed 64 bit integer.
Homogenous arrays of primitive type values.
The OpenTelemetry C++ API currently supports several attribute value types that are not covered by the OpenTelemetry specification:
nostd::span<const uint64_t>
Those types are reserved for future use and currently should not be used. There are no guarantees around how those values are handled by exporters.